Friday, November 12, 2010

Brazilian Wax

When I first learned what a Brazilian wax was, I laughed out loud. Why, I wondered, would anyone wax 'down there?' I thought it must be really painful and just kind of weird. After having to shave after a trimming mishap,and learning that hubby liked that area hairless, I thought well why not try a Brazilian wax. Can't be any worse than the razor burn.
So I had my first Brazilian wax today. It actually didn't hurt at all. In fact, I almost asked the wax artist where I could buy some wax for hubby to use on me during our play time. Yeah, I'm weird.
After only one wax, I'm addicted.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sex Deprivation

Sex deprivation sucks. Royally. Think maybe next weekend he and I will both be healed enough to play. Hopefully.
Even my dreams betray me; can't get laid there either. I should at least be able to have sexy dreams. But nope. Not now.
By next weekend it will be three weeks. Two thirds of the way there. But I'm still gonna pout.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blogging From My Phone

Ignore this post. No, really. I'm testing blog settings on my phone.